5 definitions by jotaro123456

A stolen alien spacecraft the government keeps telling you is a bomber plane.
Me: those B-2 bombers look dope! Must of taken the engineers a lot of time to design it!
Conspiracy theorist: They didn't design it. The aliens did.
by jotaro123456 November 17, 2020
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The last thing you’ll hear before an A-10 Warthog mows you down.
terrorist 1: Yeah! lets get those infidels! They’ll pay for being haram!
terrorist 2: Whats that noise?
terrorist 1: don't worry about it.
terrorist 2: Wait is that an A-10 Warthog?
A-10 Warthog: Brrt
terrorist 1: *nothing*
terrorist 2: *nothing*
by jotaro123456 September 18, 2020
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Suicide by car ownership. Being front engine with a 8.4L V10 engine the car may be a bit hard to control sometimes. hit the gas a tad bit too hard and your done for.
Me: What happened to Gary? I haven't seen him around lately.
Dylan: He bought a Dodge Viper.
Me: Oh.
Dylan: Yup. He ended up wrapping it around a tree.
by jotaro123456 November 17, 2020
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The answer to all problems. I don’t care what you say, Miata is the answer.
Guy 1: I’m looking for a car that’s affordable, reliable, and can fit a family of four.

Guy 2: Miata.

Guy 1: But I said the car needed to-

Guy 2: Miata.
by jotaro123456 October 2, 2020
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Boomer: Back in my day we used domestic muscle cars instead of those imports that all the snowflakes drive nowadays.
Also boomer: I'll have you know my corvette is much faster than the NSX.
Me: Ok boomer!
by jotaro123456 November 17, 2020
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