16 definitions by johnyhoff

after the ID is formed in the psyche the Ego comes afterwards. it turns the primary process thinking into secondary process thinking so we use aceptable behavior to get what we want. the ego although responsible for are conscious descions is mainly in the preconconscious where it meshes and overlaps with the ID. the reason it is mainly in the preconscious is so that defense mechnism can block off unexceptable thoughts that are hurtfull or events that happen in the outside world that are huretfull to the human psyche when this happens the egos defense mechnism become active and thrust those harfull things into the abys of the unconscious.although defense mechnism deal with problems in the outside world they are not conscious to us.
the ego is what makes us human thus abortian is the killing of something unhuman and evil since it is nothing more then a ID the unborn has no conscious neither do babys just born
by johnyhoff February 28, 2005
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political party in the U.S.A who beileves in looking after the welfare of the people in this country. they acheive this by raising taxes so they can fund programs that help other people.
what the fuck nigga! the democrats lost another election well if they cant help me i geuss im gonna start selling dope because a nigga like me aint down with being broke/fuck all this hood knowledge and politics im bringing the holowtips to make these republican rednecks wish for tommorow quik
by johnyhoff February 28, 2005
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a political party who fights for civil rights. They also support the poor with welfare programs to make the middle class stronger.in order to create wellfare programs taxes must be raised to fund them. Now in my opion if the rich get taxed heavly and big buisnesses do to,it creates more small buisnesses and when theres more small buisnesses theres more conflict now if this happens the country will grow as a whole.many philosphers and great thinkers support the Democrat Theory.
Democrats unite the people of america have nothing to loose but there chains
by johnyhoff March 15, 2005
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i admit he was good but he only made 3 albums and then shot himself. People worship him like 2pac but cobain never had the Social conscious or intelligence 2pac possessed nore the number of hit albums during life or hit albums after his death.
Kurt cobain lit up the industry like a shooting star,and shouldve faded away like one.
by johnyhoff March 13, 2005
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an unrelible source for information exspecialy on the political scene
Fox news
journalists that are bushes payroll
anybody who is trying to get a politcal veiwpoint across weather it be democrat or Republican on the news.
by johnyhoff March 5, 2005
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a pearson who is reseved and is a carefull thinker who is scared to take risks and usuly makes descions based on what they think keeps them safe. though people like this may be perceived to make smart descions and show good common sense they tend to be dumber then people who may have more radical thinking.in a political sense a conservitive is someone who either has raceist values or does not want to pay taxes.Republicans have historcly been racist(even though they were formed on anti-slavery) and againts the middle class and poor so hence the term "conservitive"or "conservitive values"has been used to describe the republican party or right wing.
conservitive values are large in the south where there is alot of racism and republicans.(when the civil rights movement became a success in the 60'alot of the south started to become republican since they wanted to hold on to there racial values)
by johnyhoff March 1, 2005
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some one who stays trapped in traditional values. a politician who beileves in the idea that goverment should stay out of peoples lives and let the "invisble hand" control the market.Most conservitives arent true to their roots though these days they often want to make racial policys and try and stop civil right movements when they shouldve just listen to Adam smith the founder of their idealogy and stay out of those things unless they are trying to help the civil right movement. ironiclay although theyve been racsists since the 60,s they were founded on a anti-slavery platform.Psycologists have determed people who think conservitiely arent that smart.
conservitive thinker:some one who holds on to traditional values and is afraid to break away from his style of thinking.

conservitive president:Herbert Hoover cut taxes so much the country went into the the great depression well. He didnt know that something like that would happen.
conservitive president:Ronald reagan his supply-side economics or reaganomics sent the country into the biggest rescion since the depresion in the 30,s.
neo-conservitive president:George bush pretty musch the same as any other conservitive but beilieves in pre-emptive warfare sortive like reagan did but more drastic.
by johnyhoff March 5, 2005
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