4 definitions by jello132

A circle jerk in excess of twenty five people, with an adorable puppy in the center cleaning up "the mess". This will eventually emotionally scar the adorable puppy.
A chathlic high school had there 7th annual roundy roundy.
by jello132 March 9, 2015
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Getting so drunk you dance when there isn't even music
Yo, Frank was pulling a Randy so hard he fell down the stadium rows!
by jello132 April 11, 2015
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Crazy mad sex on a merry go round with a fat black chick.
We went to the county fair and my girlfriend wanted to participate in a up and down, in and out.
by jello132 March 10, 2015
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When one gentleman ejaculates on the chest of a young lady that has breasts which are AA or smaller
by jello132 March 12, 2015
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