4 definitions by jayseebee

Slight intoxication through alcohol consumption. Typically characterised by a slight sense of drunkenness but none of the more advanced symptoms such as a reduction in inhibitions, loss of self control or inability to respond to questions. One step above sober on the scale of drunkenness and one step below steaming.
I was a bit pissed still when I arrived at work but my boss definitely couldn't have noticed.
by jayseebee July 13, 2004
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Extreme intoxication through alcohol consumption. Typically characterised by the inability to respond coherently to even simple questions. Derived from 'shell of a man'. One step up the scale of drunkenness from battered.
That was an excellent night. There was loads of beer and I pushed through battered to achieve shell.
by jayseebee July 13, 2004
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Moderate intoxication through alcohol consumption. Typically characterised by a noticable reduction in common sense and decision making capacity. One step above pissed on the scale of drunkenness and one below battered.
We seem to have a few traffic cones in our living room. I guess we were steaming last night.
by jayseebee July 14, 2004
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Severe intoxication through alcohol consumption. Typically characterised by a total lack of inhibition often demonstrated through particularly foolish dancing. One step above steaming on the scale of drunkenness and one below shell.
I'm pretty embarrassed about last night... I was completely battered.
by jayseebee July 13, 2004
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