12 definitions by jamfsob

The boss was being a tosser, so as Jill was surfing the crimson tide, she pulled her blood bullet out of her Gammy Axe Wound and dipped it in his tea when he wasn't looking
by jamfsob August 12, 2003
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masturbating, but in such a way that you are very likely to get caught.
Increasing the thrill by trying to finish cranking one off before you are caught
Geoff, fancying a danger wank, stood in his mum's bathroom,leaving the door open, grasped his throbbing member and shouted "Mum!"
by jamfsob August 12, 2003
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vagina, also known as vag, slit, gash, lovegash, hole, fuck socket etc
Walking down the street you're the centre of my universe.
You've got the world in your pocket, my manhood locked in your (spam)purse
by jamfsob August 12, 2003
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see paedonecrofelch
I used to be a necropaedofelcher, until some rotten little ass split on me
by jamfsob August 6, 2003
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Vaginal juices, also known as fanny spladgem. Slightly onomatopaeic as if the woman is wet enough,spladgem is reminiscent of the noise when you enter
Sarah was sat on my lap with no knickers on and when she got up, I was left with Fanny Spladgem all down my leg
by jamfsob August 12, 2003
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a person who looks really attractive from a distance so you are blatantly ogling them with your tongue hanging out so that they notice you at the same time as they get close enough to realise that they are actually butt ugly
hey, look at that chick/guy over there.
hot or what?

corno! euugh!
by jamfsob August 11, 2003
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a woman who has a really gorgeous body but who has a dodgy voice and a minging face so the only way you can bring yourself to fuck her is if you stick gaffa tape (duct tape) over her mouth and a paper bag on her head
by jamfsob August 6, 2003
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