1 definition by isitlove?

The coolest, sweetest, most amazing person you will ever know. He's the kind of guy who will see you frowning across campus and come over to tell you that you're beautiful. The kind of guy who hold your hair away from your face when you're drunk and vomiting. He's the kind of guy who will always be there to cheer you on from the sidelines, at every single game.

He is very good looking, blonde hair and dimples. He is athletic and loves his sports.

Lots of girls like him, and lots of girls date him. He's a bit of a player. But he's never as kind to those girls as he is to you, his best childhood girl friend.

Bryan has never considered the fact that you may love him. To him you are just a best friend. Maybe deep down he knows that you're the one for him, but for the moment he's content with how it is. He'll stick his arm around you casually while you're walking, and kiss your forehead, but never as a date, it often just sort of happens. Oftentimes he'll confide to you about his girlfriend problems and who he thinks is cute. Don't take it personally; he likely doesn't realize how much it pains you.

Bryan is simply the best person you could be friends with. He may cause some heartbreak, but he is an honest person who loves you and would go to the ends of the earth for you.
-Hey did you hang out with Bryan last night?
--Yeah! It was so fun! We played Just Dance and went to Sonic! :D
-Sounds awesome!
--He is(:
by isitlove? July 6, 2011
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