1 definition by irritatedobserver

1. A respectable means of gaining knowledge and becoming more employable through hard work, therefore aiding humanity in becoming a smarter, more advanced species.

2. Something most people waste a large portion of their life at solely to save face, being that most people are thoughtless sheep who'll do whatever it takes to be accepted by society and are uninspired in general having absolutely no personal aspirations.
1. "I'm very interested in philosophy and wish to endure a life long career in the field so that I can enjoy the thought provoking concepts that are bound to surface, hence making my existence both a more enjoyable and meaningful experience."

2. "I guess I'll study philosophy... It's taught at university so whatever. My parents want me to go and people consider it prestigious so I'll spend six years of my life and 140k doing it. That'll certainly get people to think I'm smart."
by irritatedobserver April 29, 2009
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