5 definitions by inspironb120

a technique with the guitar in which the fretting fingers are moved one at a time while the picking hand does not pick at all but strums.
"Pray for Plagues" by Bring Me The Horizon... has a sweep.
by inspironb120 July 10, 2009
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the state of being overweight and round at the stomach from excessive consumption of "Taco Bell" products.
He ate Taco Bell eight times today and now he's got a big Taco Belly.
by inspironb120 July 9, 2009
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when a guy cums in a girls butt hole then proceeds to suck it out through a straw.
Dude, I came in her ass and did a San Francisco Slurpee.
by inspironb120 June 20, 2009
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when one years a certain sound (generally music) that is so pleasing to the ear it causes the listener to experience a sexual-like sensation.
I was listening to the breakdown in "Brace Legs" by Born of Osiris... i had an eargasm.
by inspironb120 July 10, 2009
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Pronunciation- en-ah-veer
the fact that you can have anything you want, but there is always something in the way.
When you want to have sex with your secretary, but you are married, she is married, and she thinks you are ass ugly. Enaiveer.
by inspironb120 July 10, 2009
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