8 definitions by industrialprophet.com

1 Noun-the box under my tv that records things like rally racing and the angry man yelling at people as they get their vehicles set on fire and beeps at me

2. Verb-the process of recording rally racing and the angry man yelling at people as they get their vehicles set on fire without using video tape. also involves beeping.
"I love my tivo"

"I'm going out, i can always Tivo rally racing and the angry man yelling at people as they get their vehicles set on fire"
by industrialprophet.com November 17, 2002
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A chick who wears tight pants and small shirts so her belly hangs out like a muffin top.
I can't believe you hit that, she is a total Muffin
by industrialprophet.com November 16, 2002
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A catagory of person, usually enjoying industrial music. In some circles refers only to the female of the species, alternately called "Toolbelt Chicks"
by industrialprophet.com November 16, 2002
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Metals answer to Ska. More members on stage than truly needed.
"There are so many fucking guys on stage, total slipknot"
by industrialprophet.com November 17, 2002
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Animated cartoons made in afghanistan, usually sent to america to spread the word of the taliban.
"See, now the butler is telling the monkey not to be poisoned by the capitalist america and stay true to the ways of the Taliban"
"Man, i love afghanistanimation"
by industrialprophet.com November 17, 2002
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the excuse used by the MPAA and RIAA use to legitamize the claim that they should own the world.
"shit man, i was going to download those Mp3's, but i found out they are someone else's intellectual property"
by industrialprophet.com November 17, 2002
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