1 definition by imkickass

Crazy laid back bastards that is pretty darn awsome. Unlike Japanese sons of bitches South Koreans actually have a life rather than staying home and making perverted anime porn. Also unlike North Koreans they dont go all kamikaze and blow up shits with nuclear bombs. They also have big cocks as large as a black man. They are the biggest and more built than other asians. They have kickass SWAT teams and crazy special force units. They have hot female celebrities such as Chae Yeon, Lee Hyori, and more, i personally would give anything to bang them both... ANYWAY South Koreans can get hot ass chicks with not much problem and still make kick ass cellphones like LG, and Samsung. South Koreans are awesome in football,soccer,baseball,martial arts, and some in lacrosse.
Goshdammit that South Korean just gave my slutty girlfriend an orgasm using a motherfuckin cellphone... wtf
by imkickass May 25, 2008
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