2 definitions by ideolect

1. A dildo worn by a woman for the purpose of having vaginal sex with another woman or anal intercourse with a man.

2. A woman who frequently engages in such pratices.

3. The same worn by a man for the purpose of intercourse with someone of the opposite or same gender.
Stick on the strap on sally and do me up the arse.

God she fucked him raw. She's such a strap on sally.
by ideolect July 11, 2008
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A derogatory description of the unkempt hair of a female, after the extreme style of the British singer Amy Winehouse. Sometimes used affectionately to warn friends of the need for further coiffure.
Ka, you've got such a Winehouse Wig on, get back to the grooming parlour now.
by ideolect July 11, 2008
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