21 definitions by iCoinedThat1199

the ultimate phone service made up of Sprint, Verizon, and at&t
Paul: "What phone service do you have?"
Frank: "I have sprintizon&t. It's pretty legit."
by iCoinedThat1199 December 18, 2009
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the clever idea to turn Obama into a chia pet; this was not racist, Obama himself found it kinda funny
John: "Have you seen those new Chia Obama heads?"
Sarah: "Yeah, man! Bought one yesterday!"
by iCoinedThat1199 December 14, 2009
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the graffiti you see in bathroom stalls; can be found in almost any gas station restroom
There was a ton of stall art in that 7-11 we just stopped at.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 18, 2009
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referring to the "rabbit" portrayed in the moon that was believed by the Aztecs to be placed there by the gods
You've heard of the man in the moon, but have you heard of the bunny moon?
by iCoinedThat1199 December 12, 2009
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The unpleasant ricocheting of piss that often results from peeing in a urinal.
"Dude why are my pants all damp around my knees?"
"These urinals must cause a terrible spatter effect."
by iCoinedThat1199 December 12, 2009
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adjective: used to describe a large, respectable afro
Bill: "That fro is BIG!"

James: "It's frodacious fo sho."
by iCoinedThat1199 December 21, 2009
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saying "yeah" and then smiling at someone when you really have no idea what they just said to you
Some stranger in line mumbled something to me and started laughing. I had no idea what he said so I used the "yeah" escape.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 12, 2009
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