12 definitions by hititlong

A woman who is both fat and annoying. What jack Nicholson called the waitress annoying him in "As Good as it Gets."
by hititlong January 4, 2006
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1. A situation where way too many people are doing nothing and getting in the way and there is a lot of waiting around.

2. A situation where everyone is raining praise on eachother.
1. The DMV is a total jackfest.

2. The board meating was a total jackfest
by hititlong January 4, 2006
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The act of lubing up ones penis and inserting it in a womans anus when she isn't expecting it.
If you don't start being a little nicer to me, I'm going to give you an astroglide surprise in the middle of the night.
by hititlong January 6, 2006
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An erect penis, sticking out like a tall building.
Seeing those giant tits gave me an ediface.
by hititlong January 4, 2006
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1. A good friend.
2. A good friend who is committing an act that steps over the line.
1. Hey cheese, what's up.
2. Listen cheese, keep your hands off my wife's ass.
by hititlong January 2, 2006
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Someone who is an over the top dork. Someone who is trying way too hard to be cool and fails miserably.
Look at that guy in the polyester leisure suit trying to pick up on that super model. What a home slice.
by hititlong January 2, 2006
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