1 definition by happypeanutssoar

first year students in college, formal way of saying 'bottom of the food chain' or 'light weight'.

Freshmen usually travel in cluster groups. Said cluster groups are spotted easily, due to the large assortment of unnecessary school supplies in which the freshmen carries with them at all times.

Freshmen can also be mistaken for mentally challenged alcoholic gremlins. This is not a representation for all freshmen; however most of them fit this description accurately.
There is a very rare endangered species of freshmen. This breed is commonly known as 'that cool freshman'. That cool freshman is an individual whom most already assume are an upperclassmen due to their seasoned alcohol tolerance, common sense and ability to function off three hours of sleep without feeling the need to tell everyone about how tired they are.
'are those girls transfer here? i've never seen them before'
'no, they're freshmen'
'how do you know?'
'dude, they're both carrying three notebooks, sticky notes, pencil sharpeners and graphing calculators. nobody buys all that shit in college. one notebook and a pen is good enough.'
'oh, you're right! hey, did you invite that cool freshmen to the kegger tonight?'
'fuckin' right i did! the little bastard drank me under the table last night. he's crazy!'
by happypeanutssoar September 18, 2012
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