4 definitions by hairybattycrease

a ball of shit attached to ur arse hair that smells, is dry and often dangles off. winnets are painful to remove and often need to be licked out. same as a claghorn
person1: he’s got winnets

person2: ye apparently he sent a pic of them and they look like will smith
by hairybattycrease May 25, 2018
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different word for gay boy, batty boy, batty man, bender, cock-sucker, dicklicker, sperm-scranner
bun d chi chi man
by hairybattycrease March 26, 2018
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something you’d say in anger or disappointment
person1:we got homework in for next lesson with that paigon turnbull
person2:ahhhh bumbaqueef i ain’t done it
by hairybattycrease May 24, 2018
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same as a batty man, gay boy, homosexual etc. a sperm-scranner means someone that eats sperm
person1: yo that fella looks like a right sperm-scranner innit
person2: yo fam he such a batty man look at them boat shoes
by hairybattycrease April 7, 2018
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