23 definitions by gus

Grade used for denoting marginal acceptability.
She gave me dome for almost an hour. I fell asleep twice, but at least she got the job done. I told her she got an F+.
by gus March 17, 2005
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An offensive term for one who drinks habitually, (drunkard).
That sot's passed out at nine for the fourth night in a row.
by gus December 27, 2005
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grosssssss did u see that thing?! wat an amphibian
by gus July 9, 2003
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gus is the most coolest kid ur ever met even if he does eat alot of food and gets all the girls to say awwwi love u gus ur so huggable
Gus i love u "hugs" ur hugs are the best
by gus December 19, 2004
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Borange head! Used as insult; Dick head, ass head, knob head.
Well ill be! If that horse isnt the most Borange horse ive ever seen. It could'nt hold up a hard on to save itself! Borange horse, horse is no good, lame, garbage.
Jesus! Chech out that ugly bitch with the borange ass!
Its not just the ass thats Borange, the face is a damn disgrace!(followed by laughter)
by gus January 20, 2005
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sexual position where woman is facing man in a catcher like position bouncing up and down
Rachel was riding me froggy style last night, it was nice.
by gus January 22, 2004
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A thirty pack of beers (thirty rack).
A thirty of natty light's only around $15.
by gus December 27, 2005
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