13 definitions by gt

A guy who is willing to hook up with scuds. I.E. A shortened version of patriot missle
Matty hooks up with so many scuds he is like a patriot missle.
by gt December 16, 2004
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(n): refers to any of the clean and well-spoken members of the Land Rec crew (non-staff... except for Parise since he fits the definition).

Keep reaching for that rainbow!
synonym cock nibbler,idiot,moron, scatterbrain
Jack pine need sunlight ya fackin' knob gobbler!
by gt August 11, 2004
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1.a term used to describe a group of game cheaters.

NITE, lead by captainHAX himself, Baron X, discovers people with adequate skill and converts them into competition material with the use of HAX. NITE is also knows for shit talking lies.
PUNKBUSTER is removing "NITE*****" for being a fgt haxor!
by gt June 10, 2003
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Hottest chick I ever hooked up with at indro (lol Imi)....Utter bitch though
Imogen, your damn hot but stop hurting people
by gt April 16, 2005
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PUNKBUSTER has kicked "****" due to baronX violation.
by gt June 10, 2003
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A cluster of hair between your balls and asshole, commonly referred to as a grundle.
Dave likes to have his patch tickled, althought he won't admit it.
by gt July 13, 2004
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