10 definitions by great success

1. The process through which land that was suppressed under ice during the previous ice age is gradually rising in elevation.

2. The phenomenon involving a guy suddenly having great success in bedding women, following months, or possibly years, of involuntary celibacy. It can occur due to changes in the guy's life or happen spontaneously.
1. Many of the lakes in northern Canada have become marshes due to the impact of post-glacial rebound.

2. Bill couldn't even get a girl's number for the past year, but now that he's experiencing a post-glacial rebound, he's scoring almost every time he's out.
by great success March 1, 2010
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What pussy-whipped guys call their girlfriend/wife.
I'll have to ask the missus if I can join you and all the blokes for a boys night out.
by great success February 19, 2010
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In Australian rules football, when a kick is made to one's teammate that is lobbed very high in the air, forcing said teammate to stand waiting for the ball knowing that opposing team players will be running/leaping in hard at him, likely causing said teammate to be injured. At best, the waiting teammate will be getting an opposing team player's knee in his back. If he is facing the opposing player with his frontside exposed, broken rib(s) and/or concussion is likely.
Commentator: Hospital kick to Jones... owww I felt that one from here. He really got his bell rung
by great success April 5, 2010
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