10 definitions by great success

An absolute crap sport that sissy metrosexual guys who are useless at all other sports play, along with women, most of whom are again lacking in athletic ability. The only skills required in this game are the ability to throw a frisbee, and run.

In many cities in Canada this joke of a sport is monopolizing public fields that should be available for practices to those who play on teams in serious sports leagues (soccer, rugby, football, Australian rules football, Gaelic football, etc.) Ultimate frisbee teams have used the sexism card to monopolize these public fields, arguing that since their teams are mixed sex, they should get priority over the single sex teams in these other sports, the vast majority of which are male. If you confront them and suggest there should be equitable distribution of the time of said field, one or more of the metrosexuals involved will have a hissy fit.
My Australian rules football team could no longer practice where we used to because the ultimate frisbee metrosexuals managed to convince the politically correct Toronto City Hall that they should get to use the field whenever they please, solely because their teams are mixed sex.
by great success April 6, 2010
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An individual whose entire sense of self worth and sole purpose of existance is to consume as many goods as possible and dwindle the earth's resources to the greatest extent possible. They spend weekends at Wal-Mart, commute as far as they possible can during the week, lack hobbies and interests and spend what little free time they have when not comsuming watching 'reality' TV shows like Survivor and the Amazing Race. Also they generally live in a McMansion and have 2.4 kids.
The 905 region which surrounds Toronto is filled with consumabots.
by great success March 19, 2006
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A superficial, judgmental, spiteful resource devouring critter whose vast brainpower goes mostly unused. Most members of this species have a strong herd mentality. Unfortunately, the loudest members of this species have more influence over the herd than the most intelligent. In all likelihood, it will have the distinction of being a species with one of the shortest periods of survival in the history of the planet.
All other species on planet earth will breath a sigh of relief when homo sapiens dies out.
by great success April 17, 2010
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A powerful substance. A man's ability to get into pretty much any woman's pants is strongly correlated to the amount of this substance that he has.
I wish I had as much money as that guy. Even though he's a total douchebag, he's going home with a different woman from this bar pretty much every week.
by great success May 6, 2010
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Any employee who acts as management's lackey. They will relay any criticisms you utter of management to them, keep a close eye on what you're up to and act to break up any threat to the establishment within any organization.
We really shouldn't be talking about what an ass the manager is around Sarah, she's an Agent Smith.
by great success January 14, 2011
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A person in any sport who gets favourable treatment from the referee/umpire solely due to their reputation for being one of the best in their sport.
How could you have called a foul on me for that! Oh right, I forgot, Dave's a protected species.
by great success March 29, 2010
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the term used to describe any brown skinned driver of south asian origin.

They typically drive a beige or grey Honda or Toyota sedan that is at least 15 years old. You can be 98% sure that if you encounter one of these vehicles, the driver will be a paki.

Other distinctive features include sudden and unexplained bursts of acceleration and deceleration that cause large number of accidents and a general lack of auto insurance. Fortunately paki drivers tend to avoid highways.
My car got hit by 3 paki drivers last year and none of them had insurance.
by great success March 19, 2006
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