6 definitions by goofh8r

A professional mugshot taker. A person who has over 20 mugshots.
"what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a mugartist!"
by goofh8r March 30, 2019
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Protective eye wear used, when in the presence of any individual with extreme yellow skin. If the hue is bright enough, it could cause irreversible damage to your eyes.
Here he comes, better put on our yellows.
by goofh8r January 29, 2019
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A person who tries (unsuccesfully) to bully you into signing their illegitimate, "legal" documents!
"I'm a waiver warrior, sign this!"

"You're going to sign my waiver, and you're going to sign my waiver! Everybooooooody is going to sign my waaaaaaiver!"
by goofh8r April 3, 2019
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A man who hides behind a church like a little bitch, while his sisters get beat up by a group of men.
Oh look here comes K2 and Pussy!
by goofh8r March 31, 2019
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A person who's blood alcohol level is higher than their I.Q.
"He can't spell because he is a drunktard"
by goofh8r March 18, 2022
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