8 definitions by gonzo89cb

When a guy cums before he even removes any clothing, thus rendering him with a "soaking tent"
Ben: I'm so content

Jayne: Don't get too content

(30 seconds later)

Ben: Can you excuse me, I need to use the bathroom. It appears that I have pitched a soaking tent
by gonzo89cb September 17, 2009
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Red Water Rafting is the act of going down on a girl during her time of the month
Guy 1: I stayed over at my girlfriends last night

Guy 2: Did you have spag bol for dinner? You still have stains around your mouth

Guy 1: Naa, I just went red water rafting

Guy 2: You're nasty. Get away from me. Your breath smells like iron
by gonzo89cb September 17, 2009
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When one has engaged in copulation for so long that they become exhausted. This may be in a few seconds for fat folk, or considerably longer for the Olympians out there
Girl: Can't we go again? Just for 5 more minutes?

Guy: Sorry Baby, I'm sexhausted. Wake me up in a few hours with a bacon sandwich to replenish my strength, then we'll talk.
by gonzo89cb April 3, 2010
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The act of preventing a woman from achieving her desire of getting with someone by any means necessary, or indeed unnecessary.

The female equivalent of a cock block, if you will.
Person 1: Hey, look Aimee's dancing with that guy, should we move away?

Person 2: Why don't we grind up against him instead? That will surely clunge clog her!
by gonzo89cb October 17, 2009
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Semitration is when only partial penetration occurs during intercourse, for one reason or another
Guy 1: Did you fuck her last night?

Guy 2: Naa, we were getting frisky and I was semitrating her, but didn't have a condom

Dude 1: Did you fuck her last night?

Dude 2: Well semitration occurred, but I was too drunk to carry on
by gonzo89cb November 13, 2009
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when a girl, advisably one you have an amicable relationship with, gets into a situation where one may presume she is aroused to the point of wetness, leaking if you will, it is necessary to let everyone know of this by yelling "call the plumber"
Situation 1: Guys, I think Charlotte's leaking, I better call the plumber

Situation 2: Have you seen how wet that girl is just looking at the doughnut? She needs to call the plumber
by gonzo89cb October 22, 2010
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A university where the bulk of students are made up of goons.
This may apply to any/all universities
Guy 1: So what do you think?

Guy 2: You're friends are all wastemen. Baitly listen to Panic! at the Disco. What a gooniversity.

Guy 1: Yer.
by gonzo89cb April 3, 2010
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