4 definitions by goldfish420

The uncommon name of a girl who is normally a very interesting character with a obsession with falling for guys who act in homosexual ways that question their sexuality.
Cindy: "Joanne is falling for Zack"
Ryan: "O GOD, but he has the weirdest walk! I cannot take him seriously!"
Joanne: "WHATEVER like you actually have no idea how kool he is like you don't even understand!!!!!!1" :O
by goldfish420 July 28, 2011
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A fart that occurs in nasal passage when performing a sexual action, involving the penis being inserted to the nose
OH man did you hear that Kayla narted when Ryan was giving her a nose job at that party? That's dirty
by goldfish420 July 27, 2011
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A term used by people, (normally with the name of daniel) meaning you are scared or frightened just to be kool spelt with a K
"ooo00oo0oo0 my bootz, they haz fallen off and started to tremble!"

sounds like you got some Trembling boots...
by goldfish420 July 28, 2011
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the KOOl way to spell cool
I downloaded a kool system the other day

oh yeah? thats pretty kool

ya i thought so , no ?
by goldfish420 August 4, 2011
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