18 definitions by goat

the orginal nickname of the guy we hate to love and love to hate
Steve: Hey, Carl. Have you seen Cherry?
Carl: Who is Cherry?
Steve: You know, _______.
Carl: Oh! _______. Yeah, I don't know.
by goat April 6, 2005
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Having to do with a chode.
His chodish penis was rejected by the ho.
by goat August 31, 2003
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Whats the deal wit that girl yo?
She's a noddle yo, she be around the block yo.
by goat April 14, 2005
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a term originated by me, describing my equally un-intelligent friends, or retarded people.
"Get back on the short bus you foobie."
by goat July 26, 2003
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a maneuver whereby you inflict a round house punch to the face after fist f-ing a woman or man in the anus, leaving a descernable brown smear on the jaw.
Look at the guy's face, he looks like he just had a sloppy tyson!
by goat September 14, 2003
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A brown smear that occurs as a result of a punch in the face after fist f-ing a guy or a girl.
Hey, that guy looks like he just got a sloppy tyson.
by goat September 14, 2003
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