24 definitions by geek.neo

the global financial crisis of 2008 was caused by the swineancial institutions guilty of profiteering and debtism
by geek.neo September 7, 2011
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the awkward point in a conversation where both participants realize that there is absolutely nothing left to talk about
i ran into my ex today, the conversation was pleasant enough but we very quickly reached the point of no response, and it was time to make up crummy excuses and get the hell out of there
by geek.neo April 14, 2010
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the alternate and more accurate name for twitter, especially when used by someone known for talking crap
guess who's on shitter! man, that kevin trudeau sheets like it's nobody's business!
by geek.neo July 26, 2010
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from the film memento: the act of tattooing reminders on one's body
why do i always stress so much? i need to memento reinhold niebuhr's "serenity prayer"
by geek.neo May 14, 2010
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someone who claims no affliation with any religion. this does not preclude the belief in god.

naytheists are *not* atheists.
missionary: do you believe in god?
person: yeah, but i'm a naytheist - please don't preach to me.
by geek.neo November 6, 2010
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turning good poetry into vogon poetry by reading it horribly.
*sticks fingers into ears* aaargh! he's reading "tyger, tyger" in a monotone and pausing in all the wrong places! did he just manage to vogonize blake??
by geek.neo December 21, 2011
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(pronounced ash-short-ive)
the assertiveness caused by Short Man Syndrome
waiter: "shit, but tom thumb over there's ashortive! he gave a me a lecture on political correctness just because i asked him if he'd prefer a taller chair..."
by geek.neo December 28, 2011
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