1 definition by gamete0

A beer best enjoyed after an exam, in a cold pilsner glass, at 1 PM after two days and nights of studying for an exam. Tastes better than Budweiser and more solute (increased alcohol) than Bud Light. This beer is a god send, when you can't afford imports such as Guiness and Aventinus or even Paulaner Salvator.
Joe: "Man, this store just has overpriced Heineken and buddy-fucker light. Let's go get a 30 of Natty Ice for 10 bucks"

Friend: "I'm not going to drink that swill I have standards"

Joe: "Okay drink your expensive American Piss Lager. I'll drink my inexpensive American Piss Lager"
by gamete0 December 4, 2008
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