31 definitions by fubarderby

Statistical analysis software used a lot in 6-sigma/process excellence programmes. The interface is a bit clunky, but the stats behind it is spot on.

It is boring because it just does what it is supposed to do. No fuss, no hassle, no crashes...
I threw my gauge R&R data in to MINITAB and it confirmed what I suspected - the instrument is useless for measuring to the required tolerance.
by fubarderby February 28, 2006
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The intellectual elite, but the term only seems to apply in eastern european and some asian societies. People like Stalin and Pol Pot seemed to target this group for annhilation for no obvious (i.e. sane) reason.
Intelligentsia are the enemies of the people. Kill them all.
by fubarderby June 13, 2004
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Coffee bitch. Not to be confused with a barrister.
Idiot: "I work as a barista".
Me (winding up idiot): "So you are a lawyer who works in the High Court?"
Idiot (confused): "Ehhh no I make coffee in Starbucks."
Me (sniggering): "Ahhh, you mean you are a coffee bitch."
by fubarderby May 25, 2007
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Compagnie Republique de Securite. French riot police. Mainly recruit in the countryside as most riots occur in the town, so they get the opportunity to wop, tear-gas and water-cannon townies.
The Parisians hippies were rioting again, so the CRS went and cracked some skulls.
by fubarderby June 6, 2004
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Breeders are those that choose to have children and get state handouts, extra days off work, preference for choosing their holidays, all at the expense of us who choose not to breed.
I don't want to see photos of your ugly off spring, hear about how clever/funny/cute they are and I certainly don't appreciate you passing their infections on to me.
by fubarderby November 28, 2004
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Everyone who works and pays taxes is middle class. There has been no such thing as "working class" since the 1970s with the end of mass labour industries such as coal mining and steel.

The other classes are underclass/scum (long term unemployable) and upper class (too rich to need to work).
Kevin empties bins for the council and his wife Sharon is a school dinner lady. They own their own house, take two foreign holidays per year (sun and skiing) and own two cars. They are middle class who work, not working class.
by fubarderby January 2, 2005
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Certainly the oldest, and also one of the world's largest pieces of scaffolding.

After 130 years, nobody can remember what it was put up for.
Nice piece of scaffolding. I wonder what it was meant for.
by fubarderby May 8, 2005
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