27 definitions by frick1

Fears News = propaganda to scare ignorant people into voting Republican.
by frick1 February 24, 2010
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Continental Divide Trail. One of the three main long-distance hiking trails in the US; goes from Canada to Mexico along the continental divide.
That hippy is going to hike the CDT.
by frick1 March 29, 2010
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An archaic slur for a British person - still used humorously today (British Army used to wear red coats - lobsters are red).
by frick1 February 24, 2010
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An archaic slur for a British person - still used humorously today (British Army used to wear red coats - lobsters are red).
That dirty Lobster-back has bad teeth.
by frick1 February 24, 2010
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Used instead of "neoconservationism" by people that refuse to recognize neocons as conservative.
Neoconmunism is a socialist ideology.
by frick1 February 24, 2010
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Pacific Crest Trail. One of the three main long-distance hiking trails in the US; goes from Canada to Mexico along the Pacific Coast Ranges.
That hippy is going to hike the PCT.
by frick1 April 1, 2010
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The last authentic beach ghetto in California.
Imperial Beach is too close to Mexico to ever be safe or clean.
by frick1 February 24, 2010
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