27 definitions by eminem

creepy bitch who thinks Ashton kutcher still loves her.
Brittany: "I love Ashton! and he loves me!"
Ashton:" I don't love her we are sort of friends"
by eminem July 12, 2003
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A small furry desktop friend. Can be multi colored, wearing glasses or a seatbelt.
Brandon: What is that thing on your near your computer.
Danny: It's a kush
by eminem December 4, 2004
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to make yourself available to be shot craploads of times for no reason other than being a stupid porch monkey
Hey Yo, that guy is a great fiddy cent
by eminem March 22, 2005
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to make yourself available to be shot craploads of times for no reason other than being a stupid porch monkey.
Hey Yo, that guy is a great fiddy cent.
by eminem March 22, 2005
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You guys are not fully appreciating the depth and weight of what I'm saying.
see feel me.
from Domino, "Ghetto Jam" c. 1993

"And when you're in that thaying, she makes the homies sing, ba-dum-bway, ba-dum-bway, ba-dum-bway. Y'all don't hear me though. Ain't nothin wrong with being a Trojan man, when you're riding..."
by eminem March 24, 2005
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Popular machine pistol among thugs; see tek.
by eminem November 6, 2003
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