7 definitions by elvette

As he went to hug me good-bye, I could feel the flag at full mast, and I thought, 'maybe I should stay.'
by elvette July 20, 2006
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A person who is gay, but lives a double life as a heterosexual. Beyond closeted. The person may be married with kids, etc. but gets the gay love on the sly, in cheap motels, bath houses and rest stops.
I know he's married, but he's gay--rest stop gay--why do you think he's always going on "business trips" to San Fransico.
by elvette July 30, 2006
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semi-erect penis, hollywood loaf, not ready for action
Drinking all night put the flag at half mast, and Rob could not perform.
by elvette July 20, 2006
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in a lesser league, amateur, not hardcore, lacking chops, not able to bring it (from junior varsity)
I thought I was a partier in high school, but I was straight JV, I didn't even do shots.

Don Juan is no ladies' man, his skills are JV, he doesn't even know how to go down on a girl and take her to the promised land.
by elvette July 20, 2006
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The watery substance that comes out of an unshaken ketchup bottle before the ketchup comes out in full force.
Damn! You got my fries all soggy with preketchup, don't you ever shake up the bottle.
by elvette July 16, 2006
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the state of reaching an orgasm, take me to the promised land
I have been to the mountaintop and I have seen the promised land, I may not get there with you...

He had his tongue all in there and he was workin' it and workin' and and he took me to the promised land.
by elvette July 20, 2006
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A bag used by marines to crap into in places where there is no toilet.
These guys deficate in a wag bag and then take it outside and burn it.
by elvette July 18, 2006
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