2 definitions by elsmongoose

A small, plastic toy made by tomy in the early 1990's, they consisted of a small baby with closed eyes made out of soft plastic and a bed or seat made out of hard plastic. Often would come with a lollipop or bottle. they had many different themes, including beaches and space. They were discontinued somewhere around 1994.
a: Do you remember tinkle tots when you were little?
b: Yeah! i had one on a crescent moon, it was awesome.
by elsmongoose January 13, 2008
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redemption is an awesome song by the japanese star Gackt, that was used on final fantasy VII, The Dirge of Cerberus.
a: Wow you bought final fantasy VII?
b: Yeah but only for the soundtrack... ♥~Gackto... *hums redemption*~♥ ^-^
by elsmongoose January 13, 2008
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