3 definitions by e312

gurn- intoxicants
burglar- someone who uses a lot of something

a gurn burglar is someone who uses a lot of intoxicants, quite literally they burgle the gurn
"you gurn burglar, you're clowned"
"have you seen how much draw she smokes? total gurn buglar"
by e312 January 24, 2007
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adj: drunk

verb: something getting completely destroyed, in honour of the messiest house in Surrey.
"he only had two beers but he was completely falaised"
"went to a party last night, the house ended up totally falaised"
by e312 January 24, 2007
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intoxicated in some form- drunk, high, whatever leaves you pretty much incapacitated.
"i had a spliff this morning and i'm still clowned"
by e312 January 24, 2007
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