86 definitions by e

Nothing much. Not too much. As in a response to, "what's going on?" or "what's up?"
Q: Hey, what's the good word?

A: I can't call it
by e January 3, 2005
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verb. To beat badly, as in a race or sport.
Did the Cowboys win last night?
No way! They got skunked!
by e October 1, 2004
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by e December 17, 2018
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The lines you see after things have already moved from their previos state after consumption of too much alcohol and or too much drugs.

The burning glow of hot lead flying by from a gun.
Oh man im so messed up im seeing tracers.

Oh Shiznit that was so close I saw the tracer duck.
by e December 30, 2003
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noun: above all fags; equivalent to the godfather or don of the italian mafia.
I can't believe Noah would let Rick put it in his mouth; what a fagdaddy.
by e December 8, 2004
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The 'Fag' of all fags. Call it the king of the queers, if you will.
Adrian likes to hang out in West Hollywood with the he-shes; looks like he might be the fagdaddy afterall.
by e December 15, 2004
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A word said when a sudden and unexpected rousal of an emotional rush of energy comes about abruptly and the index finger of one of the hands is placed under the bottom lip and moved up and down with excessive vigor so as to make the lip flap up and down rapidly with an accompanying smacking sound.

variants: boo boo muss, skummer skuss, skummer skyuss, skummer biss, biss boo muss, boo boo biss
Man, o man. That was funny..."SKUMMER BUSS!!!"
by e March 23, 2005
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