5 definitions by dziban

A common greeting in the New Orleans area. Forms the basis of the term Yat, meaning a native of New Orleans. Common responses are alright and what it is (both of which are commonly used to initiate greetings as well as respond).
Willie: "Hey yo D, where y'at?"
Chuck D: "Alright, bra."
by dziban February 21, 2007
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Noun - Hiccups one suffers from for no apparent reason; inexplicably.
I wasn't eating too fast, I just got a case of inexpliccups.
by dziban December 5, 2008
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An individual with few redeeming characteristics. Stems from the fact that spheres appear exactly the same when viewed from any perspective. The phrase is commonly attributed to astronomer Fritz Zwicky.
Scooby's a spherical bastard, since no matter how you look at him, he's still a bastard.
by dziban June 16, 2007
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kill yourself before you suck any more cock. A common retort to DIAF.
I'm SO glad I broke up with you. KYBYSAMC!
by dziban February 20, 2007
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A common greeting, and response to a greeting, in the New Orleans, Louisiana area. Can be used interchangably with other common greetings, such as where y'at and what it is. Often heard from passers-by on the street.
stranger you pass on the street: "Alright, bra."
you: "Yo, what it is?"
by dziban February 21, 2007
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