8 definitions by drunk

hairy vagina, wait, not necessarily hairy, just vagina
damn I'd like to get into that bush
by drunk November 17, 2002
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1. Used in an attempt to sound 'cool' when typing 'shit'
2. Poo
3. crap, rubbish,
4. a word used when emotions of annoyence occur
5. when one mucks up or hits their humerous bone
<reporter> "what is your opinion of the situation in Iraq?"
<drunk shyt head> ..is all complete shyt mate
by drunk November 16, 2003
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I put up the picture of you diddling yourself; the whole internet has seen it now.
by drunk November 17, 2002
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1. To pummel one with extreme force and at a great advantage
2. Deliver the pain with ease
3. Spread mass destruction on a drunken rampage
We sure gave those 6 year olds the shawkenaw when they wouldn't give us their candy.
by drunk April 10, 2003
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Being so beyond fucking up your vision is blurry
Miranda is fucking zoomed rn
by drunk February 5, 2018
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A Kr0ean who says he is not a whale.
"Hey whale!" "I'm not a whale!"
by drunk June 15, 2004
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