7 definitions by drebel_3

This is a term used to describe chrome rims.
Those crims look really ugly on that skyline.
by drebel_3 January 11, 2011
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A term used by Trinidadians which originated from three words which are PArty, Lime ANd danCE and hence the term palance.
by drebel_3 February 15, 2010
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This is a "made up" term used on the popular Trinidadian, automobile website to determine who really knows about cars. Cars do not carry muffler bearings.
When last did you change your muffler bearings?
by drebel_3 February 17, 2010
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To lose consciousness due to being overly intoxicated
I had so much to drink last night that i bep out
by drebel_3 July 11, 2008
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A Buck is a term used to refer to a member of a fictitious tribe of people from the rain forests of Guyana. They are described as very short people who are believed to have magical powers. It is rumored that superstitious people from all over the world try to obtain them so that they can bring them wealth.
The person aspiring to attain riches usually would have to feed him milk and allow him to live in his attic. If the wealth searcher ever stops providing the food and shelter for the Buck all sorts of bad things will start happening to the family.
They brought a Buck from Guyana to live in their attic.
by drebel_3 February 16, 2010
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A fictitious character who appears in the form of a little child who lures little children into the forest and they never return. One of the Dwen's foot is said to be facing in the reverse direction from the other. This character is associated with Trinidadian folklore.
We haven't seen the little girl since the night she followed the dwen into the forest.
by drebel_3 February 16, 2010
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These characters can be found in abundance in Trinidad.He is a person who upon sighting him,you immediately start thinking he is going to rob you.He would usually be wearing a three quarter length pants that is way below his waist.His boxers are clearly visible and probably have a few holes but he does not mind that.All or some of his front teeth would be gold and glisten in the sun.If he does not have any gold teeth,some may be missing.He can wear his hair in different styles but dreadlocks are the preferred choice.He walks as if one side of his shoe has a spring at the bottom of the sole.
A group of guntas were seen liming at the corner.
by drebel_3 July 11, 2008
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