2 definitions by dmt

Very ancient symbol representing wealth and peace. From a graphic design point of view, one of the coolest logos ever created. High visual impact. Sexy, elegant, slick.

Also, ripped off by Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), failed artist, corporal in the austrian army and finally muppet dictator during his reign of terror, for use by the Axis, a joint effort by several countries worldwide to promote german tourism abroad. Nowadays it is used as a secret symbol to identify jerks, emotionally immature wanker death metal fans, sexually insecure homophobic rapists, disoriented working class kids , weekend freedom fighters, nostalgic bigot old farts and all kinds of radical football aficionados.
by dmt August 15, 2003
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An unusal IRC command.
bam him to death
by dmt March 2, 2003
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