10 definitions by dj_derek

Music that is so good that it's sick or an ill cow.
1. That choon is moosik!
2. Call the vet, we got a moosik :/.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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The morning after results of a very spicy curry (suggestion = put your toilet rolls in the fridge for the next day) see rusty water and ring sting
John had severe ghandi's revenge the day after his curry munching.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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A derogatory term for stupid people who live in holes.
1. You dirty motherfucking hole dwelling crimmit!
2. John was a filthy crimmit.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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The results of a late night of curry munching or when in severe need of fibre. (runny shit) See ghandi's revenge and ring sting
My rusty water splattered all over the bowl.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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When toilet paper is carefully placed on the surface of the toilet water before taking a dump, see force soil, so as to minimalise loud embarassing noises and splash back.
Alex regularly used the stealth bomber technique, like a theif in the night.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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1. Geofrey withdrew to force soil in the lavatory.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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A light-hearted way of telling someone they suck arse, or a way of preventing your insults from sounding too serious.
1. Hey Fuz, you know you really are a complete twatalack.
2. I really hope you die in a horrible accident, you twatalack.
by dj_derek March 5, 2003
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