2 definitions by deadnotsleeping

"dude, who'd you bang last night?"
"Hannah Montana"
"tough. you really need to get a girlfriend."
"i know"
by deadnotsleeping May 11, 2010
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A company that tries to be hip. All the posers buy stuff from them but everybody with any kind of perspective knows that they're just selling expensive shit. Based on the gorillaz song that is indirectly about something like this. If we let Feel Good Inc.s spread than all the genuine companies will go out of business. FIGHT THE FEEL GOOD!!!
Charley: dude, check out my kickin' sneaks!

John: na bra, you got those at a feel good inc.
Charley: oh no. I've supported a feel good inc. I'm gonna go hang myself cause I suck that bad.
John: do what you feel is best.
by deadnotsleeping July 7, 2010
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