9 definitions by davide

you fuckers don't know shit so shut the hell up and listen: ciao comes from and ancient word in the medieval venice dialect originally meaning "slave of". So it was used for a long time to geeetings salves when they were walking around the city freely, after being released from their owner. the word lost its original meaning and now is used everywhere to say BOTH hello and GOODBYE. is not only hi, and is not only goodbye. Is not really fancy, since it the most popular word in italy and its really informal: you can't say ciao to your professor or your boss, but you can say "ciao 'pa" to your dad or you can say "ciao vez" to your good ol buddy. Ciao also means " whaterver". If you are talkin with a guy and is not getting the point you can end the conversation sayin: " vabbeh, ciao allora" and that's kinda retarded.
1)---"ciao vez! " "bella vez come stai?" wassup man!, hey how are you dude?
2) "ieri ero con questa tipa e me la stavo quasi per scopare, poi però stava per arrivare suo babbo e sono dovuto scappare dio casa..."
" vabbeh è la 4a volta che te lo rispiego, CIAOOOO!"
yesterday i was tryin to bang this chick, but then her daddy came home and i had to leave" "what? How?" "are you stupid? i've been telling ya for 4 times.. whaterver, ciao"
by davide March 23, 2005
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a good emo/screemo band from the east coast. I saw they play in europe and they kicked ass. Seriously underrated, listen to them instead of Simple plan.
by davide November 23, 2004
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Someone who is addicted to fucking, sex and/ or sexual intercourse
by davide November 22, 2003
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see that elf with cock up that poor thing? quite the Garg
by davide January 9, 2004
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A snuggle-sex-bunny
gerrr orffff moiii land
by davide January 9, 2004
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Probably the most representative Progressive-Art Rock band ever.
Albums like Nursery Cryme, Foxtrot and Selling England By The Pound are absolute masterpieces of 20th century's music.
The only real Genesis is the Mk2 lineup: Peter Gabriel (voice, flute), Steve Hackett (guitar), Mike Rutherford (rithm guitar, 12 strings guitar), Tony Banks (keyboards) and Phil Collins (drums, backing vocals). After Gabriel's and Hackett's departure (respecctively in 1975 and 1977), the band committed the most disgusting musical suicide of all times. Under the influence of Collins, Genesis kept the original name but threw away a decade of good music and intellectual honesty by becoming a ridiculous pop band. People who declare to prefer the Collins-era Genesis are likely to be fucking morons or not interested in good music at all, thus deserving the title of fucking morons anyway.

Gabriel and Hackett then started a fruitful and highly appreciated solo career, while Collins began writing corny, useless love songs.
Banks released some solo works too; nothing interesting or musically relevant, though. Rutherford formed pop rock group "Mike and The Mechanics", a forgettable easy listening hits factory.
If you put a bunch of progressive-rock lovers into a room and asked them to vote for their all-time favorite classic prog group, I suspect that Genesis would win handily. A perfect example of this popularity is the fact that no other group has so strongly influenced the so-called neo-prog bands of the 80s and 90s. When it was time for prog to make a comeback, it was mostly Genesis to which the new young musicians turned. Would there even be a Marillion, Pendragon, IQ, Citizen Cane, Jadis, Magellan, Glass Hammer, Cairo, Crucible, Like Wendy, Flamborough Head, Sylvan, or Metaphor (to name only a few) if there had never been a Genesis? No way!
by davide March 14, 2005
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