27 definitions by dane

When one inserts one of his toes, preferably the big one, into the vagina of a female.
Last night I toe-banged a chick.
by dane September 1, 2004
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Fimbul(Norse for 'Mighty')+Bum(English for any person in a shitty financial state, often a fucktard or assclown).

Therefore, a mighty bum. A king of the fuckers.
That shitehole on the street was one hell of a fimbulbum.

Lord allmighty, Paul! You are one fimbulbum!
by dane November 17, 2003
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when a girl sticks her finger into her pussy and masterbate
she went home and fingered her pussy good
by dane February 18, 2005
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A cruel saying to someone who is not tribbin. Some one who lacks cooler quailities.
You're are such a freeb.
This teacher of mine is a freeb.
Don't be such a freeb.
by dane September 28, 2004
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Friend: i have no money
Dj Gryder: i have 40 bucks
Friend: can i have a dollar
Dj Gryder: nope im gonna wipe my vagina with it...silly poor person :)
by dane September 18, 2004
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An inexplainable yet incredibly strong feeling for someone...Most people use the word "love" to get into someone else's pants. Love is overused in today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look or their body. That isn't love. Love is when you can't do anything without thinking about that person, you always want to be with them. It's not that you want to have sex with them, you just want to spend time with them and you just want to hold them and never let go. Love can be fooling, you can think you're in love and it can lead to the most horrible feeling in the world. Also you can wait so long for someone, loving them, and waiting for them to love you back, but they don't return it for a long time and you spend years thinking and thinking and it tears you up inside but when that person realizes that they love you back it's miraculous. Love is a very strong word, don't overuse it.
I love you anya ummmmmmm make my example longer aye....do do do, ur my perfect punkette
by dane July 4, 2004
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A drink of Beer/Cider and blackcurrant.
Mostly drunk by expat Aussies in Aussie bars around the world and by European and American backpackers who are in Australia
I drank too many Pints of Snakebite last night that my tongue is now red and I have a hyperactive hangover.
by dane January 6, 2005
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