1 definition by d3vulge

A ridiculously overpriced sub-par education. Almost 50k a year for a barely ranked university. Located in Fort Worth, this campus is isolated in its own little bubble. Sheltered upper middle class to wealthy children are sent here in their Range Rovers and luxury cars. In the class of 2011 (2,137) a little more than 800 of the girls rushed. Greek life is HUGE here and it plays a major part in social status on campus. Most kids who go here did not get into UT or A&M. They lure you in with the gorgeous campus and lavish amenities that are not found at other universities. Are all the furnished dorms and freshly cut rosary worth the mountains of debt after you graduate?
I think I will attend a higher ranked, much cheaper university that I can afford so I won't drown myself in TCU tuition payments until I die!
by d3vulge July 23, 2012
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