2 definitions by coooolkid.(;

there are 2 ways to use this term:

1. sarcastically when you are talking about someone else. This usually means he/she has ditched an event, because they are too cool or tries REALLY hard to "act" cool. for example: being indian and walking with a limp or obnoxiously telling everyone about how they didn't do their homework last night.

2. jokingly when you are talking about yourself. This usually comes up in a conversation likeee shown in the example box. can also be used to flirt when you use it right.
boy: "why are you wearing such a baggy jacket?"
girl: "cause that's what cool kids do.(;"

boy: "dudeeee i TOTALLY didn't study for this test, i was too busy prestiging in black ops and textingg."
girl: "wowww, whatta cool kid."
by coooolkid.(; December 13, 2010
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also known as hardscope.
"This term is applied when playing first-person shooter video games, such as Halo, Call of Duty, or another top selling video game title, more specifically Call of Duty.

When someone is using a sniper rifle, and takes longer than approximately 1 second looking down the scope.

A more extreme example is when watching a kill-cam, the player is scoped in from beginning to end, or the player is looking through the scope for the majority or the kill cam.

Antonym: Quickscope"

i didnt make this, im just clearing this for those who typed it in wrong.(:
Player A: "Guys, check out this nice headshot i got for the game winning kill!"

Player B: "Wow that shot wasn't impressive at all, you hard scoped the shit out of that kid."

Player C: "Dude, you're such a noob."
by coooolkid.(; December 13, 2010
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