3 definitions by collisionofworlds

the state i end up in every time i go out with someone. Girls may try to say that its our fault, but it doesnt seem that way to me. so if you dont want to end up in the situation too, then just stay single.
symptoms: heavy stomach, loss of appetite, depression, making odd noises or doing odd things repeatedly, insomnia, having your head filled with thoughts of that person but knowing they dont care about you
Girl:im sorry,... but i cheated on you
Guy:its not like its the first time i've been cheated on. just one more time of being heart broken.
by collisionofworlds September 21, 2008
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Being in a secure state of mind in which you do not care what anybody but you thinks about you. If the whole world were like this, then there would not be as much violence. If you are scene, emo, goth, etc. then you are in no way a non-conformist. You are
conformity at its very worst. If you can honestly say to yourself that you dont care what others think of you then there is a chance you are a non-conformist. The biggest hint though is when you are recognized by people because there is not another person who looks or acts as you do.
Emo kid- *flips hair* i'm such a non-conformist *flips hair*
me- oh yeah? then why does every kid youre friends with look exactly like you?
by collisionofworlds September 23, 2008
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a sell out skateboard company until the last few years. once they get rid of the two shit skaters mike v and bam then theyll be really good. only problem is the decks are really good...for a week then suck ass
wow your element is fucked. you need a new board. I know! i just got is a week ago too!
by collisionofworlds August 2, 2008
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