4 definitions by clarky-05

Originated from Northampton School for Boys..used as a word for dry,dred,being a cunt 2 sum else etc.
"oh mike, your being bare pirate to scott,"
PLURAL: i see bare pirates
by clarky-05 April 9, 2005
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A person who is a complete and uter twat!!
"Fuck u bill, your such a fucking wank stain!"
by clarky-05 April 9, 2005
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1.)Some one who is a twat or acts like a cunt.
2.)a wart placed on the penis,usualy bellend.
"jordan your a mother fucking penis wart"
"jodie totaly licked that guys penis wart!"
by clarky-05 April 9, 2005
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heroine,resembles dog food in it's raw state.
>Yo bitch i heard u bin fuvkin my man!
>Girl u must be on dog food!
by clarky-05 April 10, 2005
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