12 definitions by christie

Tells it like it is!
A fuktard is a fuktard...
by christie February 20, 2004
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Very sxc and wonderful person who is also funny and very coHooooL
by christie April 8, 2003
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random, yet entertaining. also used when wanting to rub someones nipple,
foreign girl approaches another girl and rubs her nipple and smiles while saying "chrees chrees"
by christie November 16, 2003
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A mix between funny and tingely. Normally associated with soda.
Wow that soda made my lip feel fungely!
by christie February 4, 2005
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adj. Something that is beyond being fucked up or out of synch with the way things should be.
(1)Woolly using my word to gain fame on urban dictionary.com is completely infructus.
(2)"i cant believe he puked on my dog, that is some infructus shit
(3)McDonalds is an example of the infructus companies that are ruining the world.
by christie January 4, 2005
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