5 definitions by choozyoozy

me and my girl broke up and she came back with her click and trashed my crib
by choozyoozy April 5, 2003
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we use it to clock out at work; means to leave for the day, bounce.
ite y'all i'm fittnih F10 up out. deuces!
by choozyoozy April 5, 2003
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anyone who ever existed
derivitive of FUCK
ben franklin, that dumb fucker tied a damn key to a kite in a storm
(julius caeser? that fuck got kilt by his dog)
by choozyoozy April 5, 2003
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when someone holds up two fingers symbolizing "peace" when leaving an establishment, "deuces" is often said.
roscoe: ite, shan'quenetta see y'all tomorrow.
shan'quenetta: ite, deuces!*holds two fingers up*
by choozyoozy April 5, 2003
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a REAL butch lesbian; one with a crew cut hairstyle who wears taper legged Lees, Wolverine workboots and flannel who shouts out things like "hey brenda! gimme a lift my truck's broke again!" in a husky HUSKYASS voice.
k.d. lang. remember, all dykes are lesbians, but not all lesbians are dykes.
by choozyoozy April 5, 2003
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