14 definitions by chocolategrape

if you say it silently, it looks like you're saying "i wanna fuck you"
Person 1 (silently): I wanna vaccuum.
Person 2: Whaaaaaattt??????
by chocolategrape March 12, 2008
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a white person
you can make a wonder bread sandwich...
see nutella
She's white like wonder bread!
by chocolategrape March 4, 2008
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technically, i guess it means a gay whore, but its really just used as a general insult.
You're such a hoe bag fag, go die.
by chocolategrape March 4, 2008
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A turtle that you make with your hands by putting one on top of the other (palms down) and your thumbs are its arms. You use it when there is an awkward silence.
"You're a retard."
*awkward silence turtle*
by chocolategrape March 4, 2008
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1. vanilla ice cream
2. C.'s best friends
3. what's in A.'s hair right now
4. your mother's worst enemy
5. life ruiner
6. banana juice
7. the reason they invented abortions
8. mini jellyfish
9. bitter
SPERM sperm sperm sperrrrm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by chocolategrape March 5, 2008
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a cock. if you are filled with useless information, you are having sex (full of cock... get it?)
She is full of useless information.
by chocolategrape March 11, 2008
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