8 definitions by chimaera

1. music television... channel filled with crappy reality shows and relatively few music videos.
MTV used to be good, now its not
by chimaera December 10, 2003
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Runway supermodels who's heads are wider than their bodies, most likely due to starvation diets.
How long do you think those lollipop models have gone without food?
by chimaera December 7, 2003
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A 1337 gamer that pwns @ CS, and will destroy any score set at any racing game on PS2 :oP

Also a ancient greek myth, front end of a lion, back end of a goat, serpent tail, head of a lion and a goat and breaths fire.

Transliteration from greek : Khimaira
Latin Spelling : Chimera
English Spelling : Chimaera
'IM4n00b' says :OMG Chimaera must be haxor, likes.
'Chimaera' says :STFU

rcon_kick ban IM4n00b 2000 hrs
by chimaera January 13, 2004
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Designer coffee chain that exploits coffee farmers all over the world in their quest for world domination of the beverage market.
by chimaera January 23, 2003
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Super cool punk/anarchist activists that wear black hooded sweatshirts and face-masks to protests and break shit at Starbucks.
The black bloc broke the windows at Starbucks.
by chimaera January 23, 2003
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