4 definitions by chawalte

The lowest-level urinal in a group of two or more urinals in a men's public restroom; also considered the "short" or "little people" urinal. This urinal is typically placed at the end of the line or group of urinals on a wall.
"The bathrooms at the stadiums are always so crowded. The last time I went in there the only urinal not occupied was the burton.
by chawalte August 5, 2011
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The itchy "point of no return" feeling in one's nose just prior to sneezing.
"So there I was, all lathered up in honey, when all of a sudden...hold on...*harmendickity* ACHOO!!"
by chawalte May 12, 2010
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an individual that uses poor grammar, either inadvertently or deliberately.
Bob never uses "their" and "there" properly in his emails. He's such a grammateur.
by chawalte January 24, 2010
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A new grandmother who has no idea what she's doing with regard to grandmothering. (hat tip to JCW for the definition)
Bessie was obviously a grammateur, as she used safety pins to fasten her granddaughter's diaper together even though it had adhesive straps.
by chawalte January 31, 2010
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