4 definitions by ceti331

A developer of critically acclaimed Sony Playstation driving simulator games.
The company's name is commonly misspelled by gaming press, advertising, box art printers etc.

Their internal graphics technology pioneered extensive use of texture detail and impostor rendering, which inspired the company name.
phonypoly released phony trophy , a motorcycle game.
by ceti331 December 27, 2011
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The Extermination of one or more universes (including parallels & multi-verses)

It is occasionally practiced by scientific geniuses who are artificially-voiced & wheelchair bound.
The tendency is especially pronounced in the progenitors of machine-creatures.

There have been two factually documented attempts - thankfully both were unsuccessfull.
"Detonate the reality bomb! AHAHAHAHAA"
(Davros, attempting verse-icide from the dalek crucible)

"Activate the Large Hadron Collider! AHAHAHAHAAA"
(stephen hawking, attempting verse-icide at CERN)
by ceti331 November 27, 2008
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Before the widespread adoption of optical disks, early micro-computers loaded software from LP-ROM drives
~$ date
Thu Sep 4 19:09:08 BST 1979
~$ mount /dev/lprom ~/lp-rom
~$ ls lp-rom
by ceti331 September 4, 2008
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A special type of hacker's workstation; multiple LCD monitors are mounted on different vertical levels.

If the monitors are arranged on the same horizontal level - or a proprietary OS is employed - this is different, and is simply refered to as a "Workstation"

The computer-illiterate are prone to confuse "Command Centres" with simple family basements.
"what are you doing, bringing a Cop into my Command Centre !"
by ceti331 October 19, 2008
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